Are electric bikes legal in NSW?
Are electric bikes legal in NSW?
Yes, electric bikes can be used in NSW. There are specific rules for electric bikes in NSW. The most important rule is that you must keep them off public roads. You can’t ride an electric bike on the footpaths unless accompanied by an adult with a permit. Electric bikes are legal in NSW if they are under 200W. Pedalecs are also legal. To find out more about the legalities of electric bikes, visit state transport websites.
According to the Productivity Commission, the NSW laws governing ebikes and scooters have not kept pace with the increasing number of these bikes on the road. This is a key reason why the police are unlikely to test e-bikes on the road. Police are also unlikely to catch e-bike riders until they’ve committed an infringement or accident. One high powered electric bike rider in
Sydney believes that between 5% and 10% of e-bike users are riding illegally.
According to the law, electric bikes can only be used on footpaths if they meet certain standards. High-powered mopeds or motorcycle-like bicycles cannot be used on the footpaths. Furthermore, all bicycles must be powered by pedals. Electric bikes must comply with these requirements and not exceed 25km/h. Furthermore, NSW police officers will levy fines for riding an electric bike on a footpath.